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Loyalist nutter storms N. Ireland Assembly

Michael Stone, a loyalist nut, stormed the North Ireland Assembly today with a bag full of pipe bombs and a pistol.

Stone, infamous for his 1988 gun and grenade attack on an Irish Republican Army funeral, was trapped in a revolving door by two security agents.

This is the king of thing one can expect. After the republicans put down their guns, the loyalists try to carry out an attack.

And this attack was aimed as destroying a united government in Northern Ireland.

But coverage of the event, where I've been able to find it, has been pretty friendly towards Stone. I haven't found any articles in the mainstream press calling him a terrorist. But, when the republicans were armed, they were always refered to in a negative light; and often called terrorists.

It should be made clear that the only answer for the workers of Ireland is a united, socialist republic. I think the IRSP (Irish Republican Socialist Party) is doing alot of good work towards that end.

Free the 5 counties! Unite Ireland!

One word; terrorist.

Yeah you'd think this would be all over the news. What happened to the nut?

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