Tuesday, March 13, 2007

George W Bush fails

He really does.

While in Guatemala earlier today, he "helped load lettuce headed for the global market into trucks at a workers cooperative," according to the Associated Press.

He told those same workers, "Free trade is important for a lot of people. It's important for our country, it's a gateway. It creates jobs in America just like it creates jobs here."

I wonder if it gets easier to make bold-faced lies as time goes by?

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of industrial workers (especially auto manufacturers) in the U.S. have lost their jobs over the last few months, as a direct result of "free trade" and the union bureaucracies bankrupt policies of "collaborating with the bosses" and tying the workers to "their bosses" in the U.S., which have had no problem exporting "their" jobs to imperialist-oppressed countries, where they can pay the workers pennies.

Maybe Bush will go talk to them about how great "free trade" is next?

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